DC: Nuevas regulaciones de tránsito este fin de semana

Fuente: @DCPoliceDept
Washington Hispanic:

Desde hoy viernes 13 de noviembre hasta el día 15 de noviembre, están progranadas varias demostraciones de la Primera Emmienda en Washington DC. Habrá restricciones de estacionamiento y posibles cierres de calles y avenidas que los conductores del área deben tener en cuenta.


Las siguientes calles se publicarán como emergencia para no estacionar entre el jueves 12 de noviembre de 2020 a las 6:00 p.m. al domingo 15 de noviembre de 2020 11:59 p.m .:

H Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
I Street from 15th Street to 17th Street
Connecticut Avenue from H Street, NW to L Street, NW
Vermont Avenue from H Street, NW to L Street, NW
15th Street from I Street to K Street, NW (west side of McPherson Square)
17th Street from I Street to K Street, NW (east side of Franklin Square)

Las siguientes calles se publicarán como emergencia para no estacionar entre Viernes 13 de noviembre de 2020 a las 2:00 p.m. al domingo 15 de noviembre de 2020 11:59 p.m .:

Constitution Avenue from Pennsylvania Avenue, NW to 18th Street, NW
Pennsylvania Avenue from 3rd Street, NW to 18th Street, NW
I Street from 9th Street, NW to 15th Street, NW
I Street from 17th Street, NW to 18th Street, NW
H Street from 9th Street, NW to 15th Street, NW
H Street from 17th Street, NW to 18th Street, NW
K Street from 9th Street, NW to 18th Street, NW
New York Avenue from 9th Street, NW to 15th Street, NW
15th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to L Street, NW (east side of McPherson Square)
16th Street from K Street to O Street
17th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to L Street, NW (west side of Farragut Square)
14th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to K Street, NW
13th Street from Pennsylvania Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
12th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
11th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
10th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
9th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
7th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to E Street, NW
6th Street from Constitution Avenue, NW to E Street, NW
4th Street from Independence Avenue, SW to Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
3rd Street from Independence Avenue, SW to D Street, NW
New York Avenue from 18th Street, NW to 17th Street, NW
C Street from 18th Street, NW to 17th Street, NW
D Street from 18th Street, NW to 17th Street, NW
Madison Street from 3rd Street, NW to 15th Street, NW
Jefferson Street from 3rd Street, NW to 15th Street, NW

Washington Hispanic recomienda a todos nuestros conductores lectores, evitar ser multados por alguna infracción en DC, informate y seamos buenos ciudadanos.

Enterate aquí sobre estas restricciones 🚗: http://ow.ly/kWMi50Ck5B3